
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm relatively new to grasshopper and I'm having trouble with the pathmapper tool. I attached two files; the first called 'original' and the second 'test1'. I'm attempting to simplify the script in 'original' using pathmapper to achieve the same results. In the test file, I cant seem to correctly use pathmapper in order to swap the path structure. I've gone through older posts concerning pathmapper and I cant seem to sort through my mistakes.


I appreciate any guidance! Thankyou.

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Does this help?

I used flip matrix instead.


By the way, I noticed that you are controlling the move of points and rotation of breps on a one-by-one basis. I respected that, though I figured that what you probably want is to control the move and rotate either algorithmically or with controlling geometry. Is this true?


Also, I placed a couple graphs to show what the manually input values look like.

How did you define the rotational axes?


Hi Ned,


you were SO close! The path mapper is fine, it's doing exactly what it's supposed to be doing and it's doing exactly what you want it to do. The problem is you've plugged the input of the Path Mapper into the output of the Param Viewer. You should have plugged it into the [P] output of the [Divide Curve] component.


The param viewer outputs not the data you plug in, but just a list of all the data paths (plug the output of Param Viewer into a Text panel to see what I mean).



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Ah, I also suppose you'll want to use:


{a;b;c} (i)     ->    {i} (b)


instead of 


{a;b;c} (i)     ->    {i} (c)


If you look at your Param Viewer, you'll see the "a" and "c" portions of every path are always zero:







It's the "b" part that is interesting.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia



I am working on this project as well-Thank you for clearing that up for us!




Your solution works great too thank you for the tips! the project essentially is a series of section curves which, yes can be moved with a controlling geometry, but the strips are meant to rotate on a one by one the rotation was (or so I thought) defined along the Y axis individually for each strip.

After attempting to continue with the flip matrix approach..the two ways I have tried this script are both encountering problems..


The first way, in which I went through step by step to make the second surface, just for my own benefit of understanding what was done by santiago, either the "flip" button or the "interpolate curve" button were showing up red, keeping me from continuing.


When I directly copied the first script, making it adjacent to the first surface, but in the Z direction..the strips seemed very skewed and not correct..however..not buttons were showing up orange/red, the outcome is just not what I was looking should resemble the first surface, just able to have its own properties (or I would have directly rotated the first surface).


Any suggestions?


To re-orient to another axis (Z direction), all other vectors need to re-orient to suit.

Here's the definition set-up to rotate all vectors about the world Y-axis, by associating the vectors to a plane. Is this what you meant to do?


Maybe I should have asked what it is you're trying to do.

If you are trying to re-orient the final surfaces, then you can just apply the rotate or orient components to the final surfaces.

Attached is the Rhino file made before I started using Grasshopper. This is what I am trying to recreate, now I have (with a lot of your help!) successfully created the two "wall" sides, and am trying to put the floor together..but am having trouble extruding the planks, normal to the angle they are already rotated at.


I basically want the floor strips to rotate along with the rotating wall pieces,so that the floor design is a result of the angles of the wall strips.


I cannot figure out how to group these floor planks directly with the angles of the sides so that they move as one..


Hi Kristen,


Here's a re-built example using extended lines (rotated to the same angle as the fins) that are cut down with the Trim with Region component.


I hope this helps.









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