
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

As a result of a request please find a series of examples for using the Path Mapper component.

The First installment of this is showing the Path Mapper imitating some already existing components. Flatten, Graft, Simplify and Flip Matrix. There is also an additional example showing Integer Divide to which there is no existing component.

For those uninitiated in the dark arts of pathmapper the component can be found on the Sets Tab> Tree Section with the icon of a red cube. Section 8: The Garden of the Forking Path of the Grasshopper Primer 2nd Edition is dedicated to the Tree Structure implemented in GH v0.6. There is an extensive Help file accessed from the 'right click' Context Menu.

UPDATED to correct an error in the Flip Matrix demonstration path_count should be item_count. Plus reflecting the change of the Simplify Component and Additional demonstration of grouping without the Path Mapper

Updated: 2011-04-20

Replace Branches

Not sure if it's right to include this here as its actually encouraging you not to use the Path Mapper, but sometimes there are benefits to being able to keep the definition free from restrictions like the Path Mapper. When a data structure changes the Path Mapper is unable to adapt without user intervention. This is demonstrated in the two Grouping examples above. The Path Mapper method would need the user to manually change the Integer 6 if they ever increased the V Divide, where as the Replace Branches Component will simply update based on its inputs.

I hope to follow this up with some more..... 

Views: 96943


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which we have deserved it?
i can never have enough from pathmapper. (:

thank you very much.

Thank you very much Danny!!!!
wow, i guess i need to look up what modulo does. The Grouping example is great, I can help thinking that being able to input numerical parameters would be a very useful addition to path mapper - I have entered numeric literals into pathmapper boxes MANY times.

Hi Dieter,

I should point out that there are methods available to do this without using Path Mapper. Like with the Replace Branches component.



Thank you.

This is what I wanted. Thanks again for excellent share.

Thank you!!

Thank you, Danny.


Where is the like/thumbs-up-button for discussions? Very nice Danny:) Thanks.
Thank you very much!!! Very good!!!

Hi Danny,

thanks a lot!

I have a different problem I could not find out a nice fix. Maybe you know how to...

In one of the lists I have a null-item. When offsetting the data tree of the null results is different (of course).

I need to match the treestructure though with a different list.  If I map it (A;B;C;D;E)-->(A;B;C;D) the null-item will be droped and i can´t match it. Any better solution than the shown for this problem?

Thanks a lot,




The method you've got is the right way to go about doing it but you've missed an opportunity to do it with one instance of the Path Mapper.

The Path Mapper is able to apply several Lexical mappings at once, rather than separate these into two Path Mappers you just need to go to the next line in the Editor window.

Because Path Mapper is looking for {A;B;C;D;E} in the first line it will ignore all instances of {A}, {A;B}, {A;B;C} etc. So you can put in any additional ones below.


But did you actually need to use the Path Mapper here, would GH not data match unless you did it?

great. thanks!

yes i do have to use it, otherwise it will not intersect correctly.

i will also try to solve it the otherway around with cutting of empty branches by the use of the clean function.

best, p






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