
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey I'm trying to figure this out since a couple of hours.

I got a Branch path made from 10 integers, sometimes I have more, sometimes less.

What can I tell the path mapper to get me what I need? I'd like every branch path to start with the first path integer. 

I need to flatten all the sub-branches I have into their main branches, but since they not always are as easy as {A;B;C} --> {A} I was wondering if their was a letter/number/ sign or else I could replace every Item behind the A with to have a parametric component that always works with every possible path length.

I tried: 

{A;...} --> {A}

{A;...;Z} --> {A}

{A;*} --> {A}

{A;?} --> {A}


And everything else that came to my mind.

Thanks in advance

Views: 2352

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You can do anything imaginable using code (and GH_Lexer) . Problem is that looks like this freaky thing:

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thanks, but I'll take Pieters approach. That's easier I guess.

You can set multiple mappings in [Path Mapper],
however, a bit more practical would be using [Replace Paths] (along with [Tree Statistics]):


So simple and so great! Thanks a lot. I should have known that.






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