
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey everybody!

Newbie here... I am not super strong understanding grasshopper's lists. 

I have two sets of curves in 2 separate lists - one has 5 curves and the other one has 8

I need to organize the list with 8 curves into 5 branches, according to their distance to the other curves. So the first branch will have 2 curves, the next one will have 3 and so on... 

Thank you!! 

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What part of this are you writing yourself?

8 curves into 5 branches [...] the first branch will have 2 curves, the next one will have 3 and so on...

"and so on" with only eight curves total?  That series would be 2,3, 4... oops!  That's nine curves in only three branches.  I can't see any point in looking at the code when the description sounds doomed to fail.

Hey! Thanks for your answer!

Sorry if I wasn't clear enough.. I wrote it all by myself

I need the length of each list to be different, according to the closeness to the other list..

So I need the first branch to have 2 curves, the second branch to have 3, the third branch to have 2 curves the fourth one will have none, and the last one will have one.

Like the closest point component but with curves (?)

Does that make any sense? 

Well you will need to define what does "closness" mean for a curve. Does it simply mean a part of the curve is close or that the center of the curve is close? or some kind of average. If you can define test points you can use this.

here is also a point groups component

That was very helpful, thanks






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