
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hopefully this makes for a fun Monday morning coffee puzzle:

I am trying to partition a large data set coming out of the image sampler. Ideally, I could break the set into a number of subsets and pass them one by one to the next phase of the script. 

I've tried creating subsets and partitioning the list, but when I pass the resulting chunk to a circle component, the resulting image is stripped or homogenous. 

I'm guessing I'm misunderstanding a data/list manipulation step. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


I am resampling a small image to create an image the size of a large wall panel. The output from the image sampler is around 200,000 data points that are being converted to text. The characters are subsequently exploded into curves and turned into surfaces. Breaking the dataset into chunks will be necessary to prevent the script from crashing. 

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In my opinion, making a code to divide your 200,000 points into subset list is not a good idea because dealing with such a large chunk of point data  & another calculations in any code is a nightmare.

If I were you, I'd rather divide your pumpkin image into small pieces first (Using photoshop..)and then, with small amount of points, make each tile with great patience.

Thanks for your reply! The JPEG is already divided into individual panels. The end result of the image sampling is text (think ASCII art), and breaking the images into tiles would create striping in the panels, so if possible, I'd like to limit it to one image per panel.

If you've already divide your image into small tile pieces with decent amount of points, then the next step would be just an optimization process of your tile images.

Take a look at the attachment if it's needed...


This is a text version with David Rutten's script fr "here".







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