
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Any clues in how can I start to parametrize something like this?

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Nice! I will try that!

What about applying this to a surface?

can you come up with something Michael?

I would really appreciate it

I can, but I will let you try, it is not hard, use the iso curve component. :)

give me and other hint help me out a little guide me please

yeah I am doing it but I have never used this component before. and the lines come out in different direction how can I control that!


I cant see how that can be applied! I ended up usuin the iso curve component along with a serie of planes that cuted the main surface then loft and extrude the planks by hand!

thats what I am doing right now if you can help me out a little more you would really make my day and save me. I have been trying to figure this our the entire day!

here a image that explains a little more

ill leave spacing to you ;)


Yes! man that's was so simple when you see it all together.

but I just couldn't think about it and how to do it! thanks!

Now I am gonna think about applying the subdivision and spacing thanks so much!

 I will post something later






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