
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Parametric Triangular curved Facade, control point perpendicular to surface

Parametric Triangular curved Facade, control point perpendicular to surface

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using hexagonal panels can solve your problem.



Hi Raul, 

Hexagon Panels all have the same edge lengths (duh) but I'm looking to create a slightly irregular hexagon looking panel (wider)

Bump, trying my luck again, any help would be appreciated.

Are there any reasons why you shouldn't use Hexagonal panel?

You can adjust the proportion of hexa-cell.


Thank you so much for replying, I had no idea I could do this.

May I also ask..

What if I wanted a random variation in the length from the centre point of the hexagonal panels, is it possible?

I'm so glad you replied I noticed your contribution going through some discussions and it's immense!

I could do this by adding a random sequence to the length of the lines, but is there a way to do it so i could get like a wavy smooth effect that I could possibly turn into an animation? 

Sound bazaar but it would be cool :)

I don't understand what you mean by "wavy smooth effect".

Something like this?


YES! perfect, one final question what if i wanted to control every point not only the centre of a hexagon (every point of a triangle)

You're an absolute life saver :)

Hope that you will ask it to yourself whether your question make sens or not. Why all point,Why hexagon, Why triangle.

Check this as well


Thank you very very much :) you should get payed for the work you put into the discussions here :D






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