
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, i'm trying to model my architectural project and i have something similar to this on the roof :Imagini pentru zaha hadid buildings

and top view of the roof should be this one:

but when im trying to make a surface from this splines (this ones are imported from autocad siteview) i get something totally different :

and i cant edit anymore, i was thinking to transform this into a surface than model it using attracttor points. then i need to export it to revit and add it to the model, any suggestions?

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oh, thanks anyway! :D

Actually it is possible to closely model this with T-spline and Grasshopper. There is a great tutorial by Arie-Willem de Jongh of on this project of Zaha Hadid:

Arie explains all the steps to make this via Grasshopper, T-Spline and Rhino.

i've done the modeling into Fusion360, but i got a problem about paneling the surface,i work with revit and i cant do it... i try to import the model into Rhino and use Lunchbox for paneling but i dont know how can i panel a geometry... or how to transform the geometry/curves into surface any ideea?

the foto is after i import the model into rhino... and i can link it to grasshopper only via Curves or Geometry...


I can already see the great potential for graffiti and cliff camping.... NICE!

maybe don't use loft like that, use other tools/options... i you don't know how, then learn how to model surfaces in rhino first.

it looks like you need to divide the roof in a lot of strips...

I finally did it with fusion360 with a plane and just manual model the plane, and if I import the plane into rhino it will go in grasshopper only as geometry not as surface ( but it doesn't have thickness) and I cannot use lunchbox for paneling... I don't know how to model it in rhino, only in max or fusion... is there anything I can do to switch from geometry to surface to use lunchbox paneling?

It's just a university project I need to finish modeling this in less then 4 days, and only thing it remains to panel the roof... the cost doesn't matter here...
I finally did it with fusion360 with a plane and just manual model the plane, and if I import the plane into rhino it will go in grasshopper only as geometry not as surface ( but it doesn't have thickness) and I cannot use lunchbox for paneling... I don't know how to model it in rhino, only in max or fusion... is there anything I can do to switch from geometry to surface to use lunchbox paneling?

sorry for late late respond and thanks for helping....

the surface now its a mesh i can import it as a mesh and i use something very old that convert them to nurbs, but the surface have to many edges, and i tryed to use from lunchbox meshreduce but i get stuck when i need to transform the edges into rigid bars, its there any simple way ? ... 

I did it , export the form from max as obj. Import into rhino. Set as mesh into grasshopper, I use lunchbox mesh reduce than wd to take out the meshline bake them export it and import them into max again, in there I use lattice modifier to control the edges thickness and joins. It looks ok!






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