
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello All,

I'm very new to grasshopper and am trying to teach myself how to create definitions. I am trying to create a network of connected L's. I'm using this module to work in plan. My site boundaries are 650' x 200'. Each L is going to be +/- 1500S.F. and the two extremities of the L will retain their 90* right angle. The two 'arms' of the units can and will vary and will not be symmetrically distributed. These two extremities will define a courtyard for each unit.

What i'm not sure about is where do i begin with my parameters? do i start with points, vectors, lines, or planes? I find myself starting with points, but i get lost and i try to look for tutorial videos that might help. Can someone point me in the right direction?



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As I tell the students that I teach grasshopper, the fundamental construction of geometry is always a good place to start. So points...connecting points creates lines...connecting lines creates surfaces...connecting surfaces creates solids and so forth. Try to pencil out a step by step process as to how you would model these in rhino without grasshopper and when your done go back to it and figure out where you would like to have connections and variables that can change.

I'm sure that's not helpful for your specific problem, however working through it will be the best way for you to learn grasshopper, there's also not that much information to give you advice off of as to what parameters you begin with. That's your decision.






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