
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all, 

I am working with a large scale doubly curved surface that I want to panelize with a standard triangular component. When orienting the component to the surface, I do not want it to distort in an way. I want the component to remain the exact same so as to ease constructability. Is this possible? more importantly is this possible within a short timeline?

I have been working with some bounding box panelizing expressions and have not been able to stop the component from distorting. 

Any input would be much appreciated as I am a new comer to GH. 

Thanks much

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Replies to This Discussion

It's not mathematically possible. Only very few shapes can be covered with identical triangles without leaving any gaps.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

haha, I figured as much, just needed to hear it from someone else before I wasted more time. 

thanks for the prompt response. 

Could the question be reformulated to panelize using as many identicals as possible, the rest being of variable dimensions?

Yes, that's merely very difficult instead of impossible.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi Nick,

If you allow some error between the panels, things get a bit easier...Here's an example. There is still a very strong limit on the amount of curvature, though.

So I thought...

Thanks guys!

The best results I got with mesh-relaxation, then get rid of all special vertices (where more than 6 edges meet(or better do not even model them)), and than optimize by domain inclusion.

Depending on the input surface and the tolerance you get more or less groups. glass/steel structures with not more than 5mm tolerance makes it hard to rebuild complex structures.

Best Regards


Is there a script that allows me to aggregate  3-4 equilateral triangles across a simple non-trimmed doubly curved UV surface? Attempting to make an architectural surface out of as few components as possible to save money. 

This would be the same as a circle packing script but with triangles. 

Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.

I found an old defenition of mine and pimped it a little to your needs. How do you like it? Maybe a starting point for you:-)

Best Regards



Unfortunately I am unable to open the expression. I am receiving the following message (attached). i am using Rhino5, could this be an issue?

Thanks for help

mh? I am using Rhino 5 as well...

Well then, it remains a mystery to me. Thanks for the jpeg, I will attempt to replicate at my best. 

Thanks again for your help. 






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