
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hello guys, I need some help on using paneling tool in a project.

I've been given a surface (as shown in 1.png) which is a curve surface, some part of it are sloped and some part of it are "cone shaped", I already had the pattern defined somewhere in the flat part of the surface(as shown in 2.png), but I want to extend this pattern for the entire surface

I think this can be done by flowalongsrf in Rhino, but I wonder if I can do the same in Grasshopper with paneling tool?

please let me know if you have any idea

thanks a lot

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Why dont upload the Rhino-files to see the form  with...?

What is your tolerance? Do panels need to be fixed (with the dimensions you indicated in the attached picture)?

While you can probably maintain similar panels of the flat or singly curved parts of the surface, you will likely have to use variant panels for the doubly curved area. If variation is not a problem to you, please attach the Rhino file, and I can probably help further.


this is the rhino and the grid pattern itself, thanks a lot~

and about the tolerance...

I wish I will have very similar panel for the flat part, but for the curve part, I can accept if those panel are having different size.


You can to see this video(spanish language):,

but not complex to understand how to apply 

the shape over the surface.

you can see the last part video, the example with the esphere.

not complex to understand seeing only!.

Create the grid....create a shape for this stairs/group this stairs in one shape.

”panelling tools/....panels custom 2D”

apply the shape to the surface.(but before make a “grid”with the shape/grid/

“Create grid/surface domain number/....).


(i see that the surface is not so clean,with differents curvature parts,

  so to have a good result,think i,need to pay attention to the curvatures,

  reform, or make the panellings tools part by part).

i am not in my pc to do that today with Rhino,sorry.


first you need to do a form with the stairs form, maybe group these lines.

each line is other form by now.


(panelling tools, first make the grid.... after that apply the 2D pattern to the shape,

 and control the scale and angle ,part by part maybe?.

c) maybe you can apply the form to the surface with

   Flow allong surface?(there are differents possibilities, not only one to do that).

you need to try one.



I see in the example that the panels are tilted (their edges is not parallel to the surface iso direction). That makes it much more challenging. Although a bit tedious, here is a workflow you might want to try:

In the attached image, you'll see I started offsetting curves on surface to maintain the direction of your panels. You'd probably need to extend your surface a little to have more intersections, and maybe end up doing some panels manually. Once you have your curves in the 2 directions set up, you can use ptGridUVCurves to set up the grid, then ptPanelGrid (or prOrientToGrid, with no 4th point selected, which guarantees fixed panel size, but you might want to allow for spaces between so they don't overlap - that is use panels that are 1990x990mm).

Let me know if that works for you.

PS. Please post future discussion to the Discourse PanelingTools site here:


so the idea will be:

1. drawing the lines for both direction using "any necessary means"

2. find their intersections

3. map those point to the surface, to find their UV co-ordinates

4. use panelingtool's (PT) ptGridUVCurves to create a grid with the UV co-ordinates

5. paneling them with ptPanelGrid

I tried this before, it works for some flat area, but in those position with rather small corner radius, they are a little bit off from each other.

I draw those lines with their slope (ummmm, width / height, what you actually call it in English"), I have the first line drawn manually (with a specific rotation angle) then I use the slope of it to project the rest of them, it works ok for the red pattern, but not really good for the other direction. I thought there might be some tool that can help to "apply" the whole pattern with one single cell. I will try further with your method see if it works.

thanks a lot

A couple of these steps will not be necessary. Here is how it can go:

1. Draw the lines both directions (create one curve, then use OffsetCrvOnSrf Rhino command)

2. Run ptGridUVCurves

3. Run ptPanelGrid to create panels.






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