
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Rajaa and all,

I'm a bit new to this and hope this is simple question for you.

I'm trying to morph a 3D object between two sets of grids. I was able to use Panel Custom 3D in Rhino by setting the shift in U and V direction, setting the base and setting the size. It is kind of working. See the picture attached. The 3D object doesn't morph seamlessly yet. I think it has to do with the size of columns and rows of the grids. 

I want to do this using grasshopper so I can set the parameters instead of hard numbers. I tried to use 3D morph in Grasshopper, however, I can only set the shifts in U and V directions, but I can not set the base or the size. I want my 3D object to span 2 units in U direction and 4 units in V direction, shift 2 units in U and 6 unit in V. The 3D object need to be able to tile seamlessly in 3D space.

Any information will be highly appreciated.


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Can you post the definition?

In GH, there are lots of tools to help select parts of your tree (or grid) of points and hence some of the options available in PT-Rhino became of no use in the PT-GH 

Dear Rajaa,

Thank you so much for your prompt reply. I really appreciate. I'm trying what you suggested. It is working partially. Here is the GH definition. Also attached is a picture of Ron Resch's waterbomb pattern paneled in flat surface. I need the pattern to panel between two spherical surfaces.

Any help will be much appreciated. You can see some of my design Anemoi collection at

Best, Jiangmei

oops. Here are the GH definition and picture, as well as the rhino file containing the object and the surfaces. 


Hi Rajaa,

Basically I was able to cull the grid in u direction so that the object module can span two grid cells in u direction. But I also need to cull the grid in v direction so the object module can span four grid cells in v direction. And also how to set the base point of a 3D paneling in grasshopper? Sorry for so many questions. 

Thank you very much in advance. Jiangmei

Hi Rajaa and everyone,

I was able to create two sets of paneling in order to stagger the my 3D object. It is not elegant. Everyone else knows a better solution? Please see my attached GH definition and a screen shot of what I was able to do. 






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