
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey all!

Been experimenting with Urban Future Organisation's packing circle grasshopper function. Link: It's been scripted so there isn't too much control over it. There's a boundary box (well rectangle to be exact) that's sort of holding it together and the radius' of the circles are being controlled by points. Here's an image from their website:

Basically, I was wondering if there is a way to run this along a curved surface rather than projecting it on a surface and have it turn out slightly dodgy.

I've attached their function below.

Advice or any help would be appreciated!



Views: 12216


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This is possible in Kangaroo by using the Constrain to surface function, and some sort of mutual repulsion between the particles (either spring or power law based). You can then construct the circles around each particle with radius half the distance to the nearest neighbour and orient them normal to the surface.

Cool! Will give kangaroo a go. Thanks for that, Daniel!
Hey Daniel,

Would you be able to help me with my small dilemma? I'm having trouble using the constrain surface component

I tried plugging in the circles and the surface. Is there anything else that I'm suppose to plug in?

Here's a screenshot from rhino:


Hi ,Ra.I don't know why i can't download ur attachment?Can u give a new link?Thax!

Rar files do not work on Ning. They need to be zip files to work.

All you can do is ask her to post them again. I haven't seen her around here for a while so you might be in for a wait.

Here's a ZIP folder. This is 3 years old, so it might be a little outdated.

Yes, Danny, it's been awhile! Been busy with my thesis but I've finally finished my degree. I have not touched grasshopper in about a year, but I'll try to look into it once I got a bit more time to spare!


Congratulations and good luck :)

Thanks! I'll be busy finding ways to stay in the country!







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