
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Popular physics, biology and geology books often sport beautiful covers, but all the mathematics and programming are not-actually-visually-offensive at best but more often just plain ugly.

Have you ever come across a maths book with a gorgeous cover design?

This is the best one, by a mile, I could find in my bookcase, which is a sad state of affairs:

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There is something Stephen King'y in this one. 

It just says to me: This. is. math! :D

Five different typefaces on the cover, that'll be hard to beat...

Always loved this cover.


It looks good!

Hi, I am a designer and must say all covers in the comments are great, I like it. When I needed to prepare my first cover I was looking for some videos or articles with tutorials or something. It is the best way for me to choose something or find an answer. I found great service a few months ago by the blogger`s recommendation. I use this mba assignment help sometimes now, as I study business too.






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