
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone,

I am a student and I a little bit new in GH. I am trying to reorganise my lists from the divided curves. First I have created a circle and scale it. Then I divided both curves into n points, from those points I drew some catenary curves between the points and then divided these curves into points again which created a series of three branches. My aim is to connect the points in two different ways, first in a linear way {1;1},{2;2},....and the second is crossed {1;n},{2;n-1},{3;n-2},.....

I have archived this with the list item component but this is to long if you want to add more branches, so I managed to create the lines between the points with the Tree relative item component for the linear way but my main issue is that half of the lists in the circle starts with (0,1,2,....,n) and the other half starts (n, n-1, n-2,...) so when the lines are drawn in the middle the lines create a crosshatch instead of a linear one.

I have tried different tree options, such as path mapper, flip matrix, split tree, ...etc. but I don't know how to reorder just half of the branches. Could anyone give me some suggestions.

I attach the files so everyone you can revise it. Any help is appreciated. 

Views: 730


Replies to This Discussion

The source of your problem was [Catenary] flipping half the output curves.
Did [Closest Curve] on their endpoints, [Sift] the data in to 2 lists, [Flip Curve] one of them, then recombine, and everything else becomes simple.

Sift or (Grafted) Dispatch could handle the data tree situation, but go back far enough and the problem just becomes a single list of curves, much easier to solve for.


Great! Thank you Vongsawat. It is true I was trying to find the solution in the wrong place. Yes, this is much easier. Now I can continue with the next steps. 

Maybe I am going to try the dispatch/ sift in the tree to see what happens, your help is really appreciated. 






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