
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all,

I have a general question, in order to choose direction for solving a specific problem. I have a structure that needs to be manufactured. As you can see in the picture, certain pieces of the structure are those square components, that will be cut out of bigger pieces of material. Let's say that I have 10 pieces of sizes 1x1units, 1x2units, 1x3units etc. and they will all be cut out of original pieces of 3x3units size. What I ideally need is a tool to match the pieces of my structure in the most efficient way over the original pieces of 3x3. 

My question is whether a problem as such should be dealt with grasshopper at first place, or I should try my python scripting skills? What would you think is the easier way to get to my result?

Thanks in advance!

Views: 621


Replies to This Discussion

There are a number of solutions around for Grasshopper and Rhino plugins. Search for "nesting" or "packing" and you should be able to find what you want. Here's a few tools I've found, but haven't had a reason to use.
RhinoNest: (installed, but demo isn't working, talking with developer)






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