
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I was wondering if anyone knew where to find some information on the different Open Nurbs objects and their various properties and methods. I was hopping just to find a PDF list or a help file somewhere. Has anyone come across anything? I have a few things to script in VB and I am a bit of a novice. I have managed to plow through some list management using the basic VB commands, but now I need some commands such as finding the distance between two points, but with out a reference I just don't know where to start with the open nurbs!




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Also check the Grasshopper Primer, second edition.
Can someone with more experience give just a brief description of the 3 main namespaces?
I understood mainly that RMA.OnpeNURBS is about geometry related classes. The RMA.Rhino and RMA.UI are more vague to me. I just understood RMA.rhino provided utility classes and rhino commands. Any suggestion how to mind set these?
RMA.OpenNurbs is the namespace used mainly for geometric data and file IO. There are some geometrical operations in OpenNurbs, but nothing fancy. Essentially, OpenNurbs is code we give away for free, so it hasn't got anything very expensive in it.

RMA.Rhino encapsulates everything that we sell under the "Rhino" product name. It has all the cool stuff such as meshers, OpenGL Display, Boolean Solid operations, Advanced geometry functions.

You never need RMA.UI.

This is an important page to read:

Without it you'll probably get very frustrated very fast.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Thanks everyone for their replies! I took a bit of a break from trying to pick up VBscripting to help a friend with his thesis. I have been poring through the documentation as well as some books on VBscripting to get my head around all of this. I am going to look at some examples, and then have a go at it. I hope to post my results soon.

I was wondering if anyone was interested in perhaps starting a meet-up group or perhaps organizing a seminar. (see my discussion about tutors/seminars) A lot of this information seems a bit esoteric, esp when delving into the Open Nurbs territory. The SDK pack is about as much fun as reading the instruction manual for a VCR, back in the day when we had VCR's. For people new to programing its a bit intimidating, as for intermediates it would be great to benefit from other peoples experiences.


I found an interesting Primer which deals with VBscripting from the University of Sinapore by Dr Patrick Janssen Not sure if anyone had mentioned it.






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