
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I get this message so I  reinstalled the latest weaverbird but it's still the same. How to make it work? It's urgent!


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when i use rhino4 sr9,grasshopper_wip_20120122,weaverbird-,the grasshopper panel show the message of "expired weaverbird exception:weaverbird need to be updated".moreover,weaverbird- can not be used under this environment.but when i change the gh version into Grasshopper 1.0 (0.9.0014), i am told to use rhino5.the funny thing is when rhino5 is installed,i get a empty gh panel likethisi am in confusion now.waiting for your help!



I am developing Weaverbid independently from McNeel, and usually this add-on is created using the last version of Rhino as reference, or the version that I have at hand.

In this specific case, Weaverbid has nothing to do with the error you see. It is just Grasshopper 0.9.14 that needs a recent version of Rhino 5 (I think from november on). You can install Gh 0.9.14 for Rhino 4, ( it's the same for now but for Rhino 4 ) following the second link on this page

great! nice updates!

enough for holidays patric

;) i don´t understand...

for girls??

Muchas gracias Giulio.

Feliz Anyo

When I write my e-mail and click next button, the loading never ends... Is there any other way to download this?

Hi Taylan

yes, the Weaverbird list is the original source. Can you send me a PM with your email, so I can try for you? (maybe you can check the browser is updated, just in case)

Otherwise I'll send you a direct link, or we can try DropBox, etc,


Giulio Piacentino
Weaverbird development






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