
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all

I was working on a simple definition, and I noticed that my offset component was creating an additional branch. Have I missed something in my understanding of data trees? Why is this branch created?

Hope you can help.



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any time a component can produce multiple pieces of data from a single piece of input data, it *has* to add a new branch index. If you hover over the output of Offset you'll see it returns a list ("Curve C as List") and therefore this extra branch path is added. This is the only way to keep the data output organized and consistent in the case that multiple curves are created from the offset. 

This is ultimately a consequence of the RhinoCommon offset curve function itself - which returns an array of curves. Grasshopper takes this result and tries to join it - but since it is not guaranteed to result in a single curve, it works this way. Offset Loose on the other hand just moves the control points and cannot make two curves where one curve went in. 

Thank you so much for you detailed answer Andrew. It makes sense. Good day to you.






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