
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

This is so basic, but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

I want to deconstruct a brep with planar surfaces, then offset the borders of those surfaces inward. Some curves offset correctly, while others reverse direction. I'm guessing this is an issue with the plane direction?

On the right is the resulting geometry I want, hand-constructed in Rhino.

Views: 2152


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You are offsetting the faces instead of the edges.

And your offset plane is 'World XY' so the vertical corners aren't affected.

I think you'll need a different solution.

Thanks for your reply. Using the faces seems to extract the closed polylines automatically. When I use edges, there aren't enough curves to offset. Would you mind showing a solution?

Hi Matt, your initial definition is fine (indeed automatic conversion), just put the faces in the Offset P (Plane) input too:

Wow!  That's clever - though, fairly non-intuitive.

I tried a couple different alternatives including scaling the brep using its 'Bounding Box' center, but that wasn't right either.  This is cool - good to know.


Hey Pieter, it was discouraging and, I think, unnecessary.  I appreciate what you know, thanks.  Many of the clever features of GH are certainly NOT intuitive to people learning it - and there is a _LOT_ to learn.

P.S.  Just to complete the picture:


Awesome. Thank you very much for clearing this up!






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