
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Offset curve division points along the divided curve

Hello All,

Thanks in advance for any help that may be provided...

I am trying to offset/move the points along divided curves to a set distance (3.5", a 1x4) in-order to draw a 3.5" line to extrude along a curve (the flipped matrix curve). this will create a fan effect with the 1x4 members between each of the 4 cyan curves. They will not touch at the corners.

Dividing by length gives me a different set of numbers for each curve. This does not give me what I'm looking for and I still don't know how to offset these points.

FYI: The end goal is to set up attractors to start orienting the "1x4's" towards the hole in the floor for acoustical sound can bounce around the space. It is a jam space.

I hope I have described this well enough. I guess it is an indication of how confused I am.

Views: 925


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Still trying...

does this seem to be on the right path?







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