
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Just trying to find out if there is a way to offset a curve on both sides of the curve?

ie. I have a line, and I want to turn it into a wider pathway, but I want the line to remain the center of the pathway.

I know how to do this in Rhino, but can GH do it for me?

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+/- ? :)
or, to expand a little :

The 'D' input of the offset component accepts both positive and negative numbers. +ve offsets one way, -ve the other.
Thank you. That did produce some results. My offset distance input is now .5, and -.5, but when I added that -.5 it just shifted the offset to the other side. I'm guessing I could remedy this by adding a separate offset function, but is there an obvious solution to this just using one that I'm just not seeing?
You can connect 2 wires to the same input if you hold down shift as you connect the second one. Then you will get 2 outputs.
I had been just inputing the numbers by right clicking, but I tried this method and the same issue happens. It still is only offsetting one side of the line (granted, when I add the negative number it switches sides).

I have attached a screenshot. I'm probably just not seeing something?

The selected component does not appear to have multiple D inputs
My apologies, should have just deleted that one for simplicities sake in explanation, the fact that it is highlighted only adds to the confusion. I'm talking about the offset component above and to the right.
Unless those components values are the same I don't see why it doesn't work, sorry.
Thanks for trying. I can do what I need to do by just adding a second offset component, but I'm just trying to learn the proper ways so I figured I'd ask.

you need the graft component on every input, so every set of data (original curve, positive number and negative number) are on his own branch...

Here is something I threw together real quick. Just using some simple math to set two numbers an equal distance from zero and sending them as the offset. Hope it helps.

I misunderstood your full problem. Yep, adding the graft to the various items then makes them all accept the offset.






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