
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Obtaining the angle that perpendicular frames has rotated - for column in archicad plug in


I am using the Archicad plugin and what to create rectangular columns that are perpendicular to a curve. However the only parameter that I can input to achieve this (I think?) is the "rotation angle" in the column settings panel. (see attached image)

Therefore I am trying to get the list of angles perp frames has "rotated" to input this as the rotation angle parameter.

It seems if the angle is over 90 degrees the final result doesn't become perpendicular so I have tried to weave this in almost successfully but not quite. (see attached)

So if someone knows a better way to create multiple perpendicular objects only using rotation angle or if someone can help me find this angle it would be greatly appreciated.


Views: 1389


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Here are the archicad plugin nodes


Hi Peter,

Seeing as you haven't had a reply yet, I'll offer an alternative approach.

Rotation angles are not a particularly reliable or well defined manner of controlling orientation.  What is the threshold for a "vertical" column where the default direction switches?

If you wish to try an alternative plugin, ggRhinoIFC from will permit the generation of an IFC file (even if you use the revit components which are easier) and generate as per the attached images and files.  I haven't tested the IFC4 capability of ARCHICAD yet so I've set it to Ifc2x3.

Orientation for my components is defined by a vector.

Feel free to try it out and let me know if you have questions or suggestions.




Hi Jon,

Thanks for the suggestion.

I did end up getting the general concept to work, by orienting the geometry (column) perpendicular to the curve I needed, then use the outside edge of this geometry to plug into a "slab" component, rather then relying on the column which has no curve input parameter.

The advantage of using the direct archicad plugin, is the geometry can be updated live directly into archicad, and the component retains the archicad parameters and can have a "complex profile" placed on it, rather than just being imported as a morph/mesh.


Hi Peter,

I have the same problem what I cannot solve. What is the brep component in your code?






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