
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I ave a open mesh of a surface and the group of points that I had used to create that mesh. I need to analysed that mesh for curvature. 

How can I trasform that open mesh in a nurbs? Or create a nurbs From that grup of points?

Thank You

Views: 2319

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Your mesh's points were already very nicely ordered.  Just decompose the mesh and feed its vertices into a surface from points component...then just tell it you have 11 points in the U direction, and you're done!


Thank you both...

Now we are close to the solution...

I have done some tests.

Can you look at the example? The first definition work quite but I don't like that tessellation, I need a smooth surface (like rhino analysis). 

The second one is smooth but have some problems but I can't figure out where... 

The thirst one is rhino analisis (like what I need in GH).

Can you help me? 



third one


I dont get what the problem is?

The problem is that I can't get a smooth color surface like the one that I can create with rhino analysis curvature tool. 


This is what I get at the end... quite close to what I want... 

I have the last few questions.

How can I remove that kind of tessellation? 

How can I remove the reflection?

Can made a jpg of that directly?

Thank you



I have solve some of my problems, but now I have to find curvature on free-form surface.. 

I tried this way (see attachment) but it does't work.. 

Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you







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