
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Normals on a surface are shifted into space, not on right location?

Hey everybody,

I managed to make a ruled surface (hypar), make some subdivisions by a grid of lines and now I want to have on each intersection point of the gridlines a vector which is normal to the surface. When I use 'evaluate surface' and feed the surface and then the intersection points into uv, I get a very strange solution for the normals:
- when I do not reparametrize, I get strange vector which are shifted into the X and Y direction. not ok
- when I do reparametrize, I get normals scattered into space, seems they are a factor 10 to big, it's all wrong.

What am I doing wrong?
See PDF with pictures of the two wrong solutions and the definition file

Views: 424


Replies to This Discussion

it looks like you are feeding points into the evaluate surface component where you should be using uv coordinates instead. try putting a "find closest point on surface(or brep)" in between your intersection points and your evaluate surface component. take the uv data out of the closest point on surface component and feed that to your uv input for evaluate surface.

uv coordinates are in a different coordinate system that is based on the surface, they do not correspond to xy coordinates of the same value.
Hey Benjamin,

genius! thanks alot. it works a treat. Will remember that function 'closest point on surface'


Hi guys
can you check this, I'm not sure to understand.
I'm a bit confused about the normals...
hey paolo,

I've uploaded the file which does exactly what I wanted, thanks to the function 'find closest point on surface', which was tipped to me by Benjamin.

Just check it out
ah ok
With your file all is clear, very well.
As said the LT. Kojak "File closed"







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