
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am looking to extrude curves normal to a surface

Does this one exist



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Use the evaluate surface component, it will give you the normal of a surface at a point. 

Hi Michael

 Thank you very much for your help / advise



What kind of curve do you have?

If it is  a line then it works.

But if it is a curve then you have multiple directions along the curve on a surface. 

Then it will be probably some approximated curve, when its control points are moved  according to multiple normals. 

Hi Petras

yes it is a curve.

The curve  was first mapped from a flat surface to a 3d surface then I wanted to offset this mapped cure normal to the 3D surface then I can use these to build a new surface.

Or I want to use the Mapped 3D curve to cut the surface then offset the cut surface normal to the surface it was cut from.

All for building a shoe

Thank you for your help and advise



Can't you attach a file or image?

Once I am able to map the 2D crv to the 3D object ( Last ) I can then use that crv to trim the 3D object and start to make parts.

At the moment the 2D crvs are not mapping correctly.

I took a 40 hour class in GH about 3 years ago so I am in the process of getting back into it.

Many thanks



I don't understand how this relates to your original question?

"I am looking to extrude curves normal to a surface"

Is this a separate question now about mapping curves and cutting a surface?

I got a little carried away, Sorry.

I mapped a  curve to a 3d surface. I want to then offset this curve normal to the surface.

I used the eval surf but am confused on selecting the uv point

It should be something like Petras has said, you will need some sample points (in this case I used control points) then move those in the direction of each points normal on surface, remake the curves, then loft them to the original curves on the surface. 


thank you very much for the help

Have a great day






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