
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

High noob here i have set set up the Image sampler to output a line based from a point in a direction how can I randomise the direction for each line, better still turn each line in to a squiggle with a sine wave or something?

It's all a bit new to me...

"Edit" Sorry forgot to say it's for the red group I'm try to do this..

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Hello John

one way could be the following (the domain in range component must be the same as graph mapper in this case -1 to 1)



Sorry couple of issues when I plug the panel into T of the Evaluate Circle it errors and fails to compute and what is the squiggly lined box?

Think I got it right.....?


And Thanks for you help.....

Hello John

i am uploading the definition to study it. (maybe when you open it image sampler will be missing, just replace it with the one you have)

you need to study lists and trees. in the file you uploaded you had not flattened the curves into one list, as needed. when you use a panel, the values are treated as text. (check the red flag message). you need to right click the panel and select multiline data. the square component is the graph mapper. you can use it to map values and output new ones according to a graph. right click it and you can select many graph types.

hope this helps.

if you have trouble understanding the definition post again for clarification




Thanks very much I can see where I'm going wrong now...






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