
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm looking to achieve in GH what the Rhino Curveboolean tool does :

select a bunch of curves (be they open or closed) , pick points to add regions together, and output a clean closed curve.

Sadly, RDiff, RInt and RUnion components only work with closed curves.

Examples of workarounds most welcome !




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Forever is to be taken litterally for hundreds of curves (I mean probably billions years).

(Pas la peine d'attendre avec 200 courbes donc)

I am going to remove the time limit as it is a pretty bad tool at the moment. I know how to make it "real time", but it involves some graph theory and programming. Not much though, just adapting Dijkstra's algorithm I think.


hi systemiq,

how to get the password?

You can try a dictionary attack.

Not at working computer now so I can't unprotect the cluster, but the most recent version (above) should have time limit removed.

I try it with the dictionary.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

xD this cannot be serious. 

I suspected RWNB thought that the dictionary comment was meant in earnestness.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


i think that you know how the password can be cracked!

there are already tools to deceive those terrible exclusion?

will you tell us that? ;-)

It really cannot be cracked. The password is converted into a hash (which is not a reversible operation) and this hash is stored in the file. So you can certainly find the hash code but then you still need to find a string which generates that hash.

I'm even happy telling you I'm using SHA256 hashing to convert password strings into hash byte-arrays.

There would be little point to having a password if it could be easily circumvented. I for one was never a fan of the whole password protection scheme but people kept asking for it so there you have it.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia







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