
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Newbie question : randomise curve size on each Pframe

Dear all,

Just started  playing around with GH for my class and needing assistance on something. Please excuse my line of question if it's sounds too basic.  

This is what I have done so far : 

1) Created a rail curve

2) Created a profile curve which I want to map along the rail curve

3) Align and orient my profile curves on the rail curve using PFrame

I want to randomly scale these curves with the start of the curve as centre of scaling. 

How can I do this at each of the pframes? Not sure where  I can put the jitter component in my script. 

Thanks in advance. 

Views: 468


Replies to This Discussion

Hi, Rizz.

I don't know exactly what do you mean by "randomly scale these curves with the start of the curve as centre of scaling" and you didn't internalize your curve geometry, so I myself arbitrarily made source curves.

Anyway, I've tried two different scaling method including random.

Hope you can find it useful to you.


Sorry for the late reply. Was caught up with the start of the semester. 

I must have uploaded the wrong file anyway I will try and understand your algorithms. I was thinking of a canopy ( inverted L) with varying heights ( thus varying size of the profile curve). I want to see if I can do a random height (z direction) and later loft these surface together. 

I will have a look at your response and see if I can adapt it to my idea and post it here otherwise I will ask further q for clarification if I may. Thank you so much for y our assistance.







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