
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

Just posted a new release of PT-GH and PanelingTools for Rhino 5.0.


Please note the following:

1- Make sure to download the latest Rhino 5.0 Beta

2- Make sure to download the latest PanelingTools plugin for Rhino 5.0 (32 or 64 depending on your system).

3- Download PT-GH Add-on

4- Get the latest PT-GH_Examples file with updated components.


Look forward to your feedback.




New in this release:


- Added ptSubGrid component to extract sub grids using start and end indices in x and y directions.

- Added ptTrim component to trim a grid against a brep face.
- Update ptCellulate component to output a tree of wires where each branch has 4 line segments. Previously it output all edges as one list.
- Added PanelUtility tab that currently has 3 components:
- Pull edges from line edges.
- Extract iso edges from line edges.
- Extract shortest path edges from line edges.
- Fixed divide curve by chord distance component. It had a bug that flipped the order of points when reference is near max domain of the curve.
- Updated many of the icon images.
- Added new examples and tutorials. Please get the latest PT-GH Examples.

Views: 375

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Rajaa,

Thanks for the update. Just wanted to let you know that the truss works like a charm here now!!!








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