
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I uploaded a newer version of the SDK helpfile, if you run the "Download SDK Help..." item in the Grasshopper Help menu you can get the new release.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia

Views: 4147

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hi David,i meet an problem that i can not install or download the sdk docment.i download the file ----GrasshopperSDKDocDL.exe.however i just can put it into use...

when i input the command(GrasshopperGetSDKDocumentation) in rhino it show me a dialog.i click save then show me the dialog below.

however it keep stay on the 0% after several minutes.and then disappear.

of course it do not install sucessfully.

can you give me some advice for regards!!

Hi zhushunlai,


it works for me. You can start the GrasshopperSDKDocDL.exe manually if you want (though that shouldn't make a difference). What you can do is take the exe to a different computer and try and run it there. Maybe your system doesn't allow applications to access the Amazon AWS servers. Though we put the Grasshopper installer on the same server and you were clearly able to download that one...


Last thing to try, remove the GrasshopperSDKDocDL.exe from the Tools folder and download the docs again from inside Grasshopper. If the exe is not there the download will happen within Rhino itself.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi David,


Just tried to request the help file and it crashed my rhino(4&5-both). Any ideas how to get the file?





Great ! Thank you very much David.

hi David , i have a problem with zhushunlai too.... form here can not download and us grasshopperSDKDocDL.exe download . please hepl me how to  get it, or you can send this  a GrasshopperGetSDKDocumentation had a finish download document send to my email : ...thankssssss and  hope you quick to hepl me....

Try this direct link.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

thankssssssss so much David... and hope you holp me agian about C# & VB.NET in GH  for the next time ..... thankssssssss  agian

The link should remain valid. I always upload the latest SDK documentation to the same place.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

unfortunately,I still can not download the file .

First press the button, then run back in front of the box, climb on top of it and jump over the sawing blade. Some people choose to block the amazon s3 servers, if that's the case, you won't be able to access the file either way. It's quite a large file so it cannot be attached to this forum. 

It's dinner time now, but I'll see if I can come up with something in a bit.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

How are clusters going? Or are they still in limbo?

I keep drowning. And then just when I think I solved the problem, the direction of gravity switches on me. First decent progress in months though.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia






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