
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


i'm really new into grasshopper. I need a little bit help for a student project.

I photoshoped, a short visualization of my first idea. As you can see i try to build an abstract leaf as an pavilion.

Then i sketched the outline curves in rhino with a few control points. The building is symetric so i only draw one side. But i'm not sure what is better for a voroni. a sharp or a soft surface? Or dose i need points?

So i have some questions:

1. how can i loft the curves correctly? My problem is that if i divide my curves for more control points, grasshopper automatically change my curve. thats ok but than i've the problem with a short curve, which fit bevor with the large one, but after the devision it can't connect.

So i tryed to duplicate the long curve and split it but with the shatter battery it dosen't work. It always cut the curve somewhere.

2. my next problem is, the curves in rhino should be my main construction, which is always visible. so i decided to offset the curves that i got a colum. but i don't know how to orient the offset curves in the xyz axis. 

3. hopefully if i have the surfaces, how can i build a voroni which is offsetet, and has maybe some different thicknesses? :D

Would be really great if s.o. can help me. I tried a lot but not every thing is simple.

Sorry for my bad english.

Thx max

Here are my files:


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I didn't fully understand your request but I think this is what you are trying to do.

I think you can figure out the offset/extrusion on your own.

(The file that the definition is using is the file you uploaded.)

advice - voronoi is too popular and overused... my opinion is avoid at all costs.

hope I helped


Thank you very much!
that was exactly what i was searching for. now i understand grasshopper a little bit more. :)

i know, voronoi are really popular, but i think at least i've to try it out once. the leaf structure of my building was the first idea, and i searched for some solutions, but i think an voronoi is the best solution this time. 

thank you very much!!! vielen vielen vielen herzlichen dank!


every thing works great and i start loving grasshopper, but now i've a problem with one lofted surface.
the problem is that the loft contains 3 curves which are closed. and each time i try to loft this 3 curvs this happen:
it looks like the curves have the wrong direction, but i tried every thing. i tried to patch the curves and that worked, but i can't use the patch for the voronoi and i don't know how to convert the patch into triangles. 

Also the area battery needs over a minute to activate. watch out!

thx a lot! 





Loft is the wrong operation. You are creating . I would always try all the surface creation tools when unsure. Most have helpful logo's. Check under 'srf' > 'freeform' tab.

I believe the 'patch' tool will work to create a surface between a closed non planar collections of curves

wow, thx!

tried the fragment patch, and it works!

thank you very much!

ok, now i've the right lofts, and the voronoi in 2d, as lines. but what i've to do if i want that the voronoi is 3d. where in the grasshopper file dose i have to offset, and how can i build a surface from the offset that i can extrude it?

thx a lot, 







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