
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm trying to create a closed curve and give it an inner glow similar to this:

Circle Glow

I want it to work on asymmetrical closed curves as well.

Thoughts on how to approach this?

Ideally I would like to be able to change the scaling of the gradient, so that there may be a touch of white in the center (if the gradient is set to go from black to white) to a lot of white  towards the center.



Views: 1144

Replies to This Discussion

  1. Create a mesh from the curve with sufficient accuracy to display the gradient smoothly.
  2. Compute the distance from every mesh vertex to the original curve.
  3. Compute the entire range of distances, use as gradient range.
  4. Compute gradient colour for every distance.
  5. Create a mesh from these colours.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


BTW is it possible to make coloured mesh transparent?



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

That's it!! Thank You!!

One question though, where is the download for the version of grasshopper you're using(0.9), the download link provides only 0.8 (which is what I have). The .gh file won't run my version.

Its a simple definition, just recreate it from the screenshot.

Got it working.

You running 0.8.0066?


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Yes, that's the version available from the download link above, I got it working, with a few changes.

Now I need to find out how to convert that greyscale image into a nice relief shape.

I tried using the image sampler, but that doesn't work.

Just takes me a long time, because grasshopper is still really new to me. I broke down the mesh to component parts, now I just need to turn the colors into points based on height, and send those points to create a new mesh/surface.






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