algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Dear all the experts in Kangaroo,
I newly learned to use Kangaroo to do form finding.
However, the tutorial is not clear and I met an error in my practice.
The .3dm and .gh documents are attached. Can anyone help me to solve this error?
Much thanks,
Xue Zhengyu
Dear Lord of Darkness,
The most interesting part of my Master project, is that I have a great extent of freedom to develop my own design. I search information of related projects, use standard products or create my own things...So I am always in the circle "design-comments-revise".. No one tells me what I should do in advance, nor do I know my plan for tomorrow works or not.. Painful but indeed I get to know things step by step.
Thanks for the lessons today, so that I will not go further in this wrong direction(surely I have been stepping into several wrong ways at the same time- duplicate me myself..) From the very beginning I worried a lot about the difference between modelling and real construction. The more design work I have done, the feeling that this roof cannot be built gets stronger...But after the draft of thesis, I started gaining confidence.
Prince of Lightness
Dear TruthSeekerButTheTruthOutThereIsWellHidden
Here's how to obtain the MultiPass:
1. The roof grid yields a rather "limited" domain (with regard sizes): say 1 to 2 meters (max reasonable size for a glass panel).
2. This actually means that the parts on duty they don't differ that much. Meaning that we can use an "average" size (and "local" topology) acting as the Jack for all trades.
3. Meaning that we can effectively solve the abstract topology with an abstract app the likes of GH and then place in properly defined coordinate systems all the real-life bits and nuts ... closely "emulating" a pro solution (that could "adjust" the parts as well).
4. This means that one particular C# needs more lines of code since as it is it defines cable axis on a per nod to node basis ... but in fact these are defined as the min segment between curves (circles to be exact).
5. Additionally the end part of each strut differs depending on how many pairs of stabilizing cables are used (either 2 or 1). Meaning some lines of code more for defining the proper coordinate systems for the instance definitions.
6. This is the reason that I've postponed mailing to you the 4 horsemen (because PRIOR finishing the whole you MUST define what parts to use: the classic bottom-top design approach).
But in order to receive the Salvation (aka: Apocalypse) you MUST answer correctly to a simple puzzle:
Provided that money is no object, pick your car:
1. Ferrari 245 (Less is more)
2. Lancia Stratos (Lethal).
3. Cobra 427 (Men only)
4. Ford GT40 (Mama mia)
5. Ariel Atom (Mental)
6. Aston Zagato GTB4 (Sweet Jesus)
7. Fulvia HF Fanalone (THE racer)
8. Lambo Miura (Enough said)
9. Lotus Elise (Just add lightness)
10. Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione (In red)
Dear ClassicDriveGuideMeJourneyToTheWest,
1. About the puzzle, possessing a Lamborghini has been one of my dream since a very early age. Honestly I know nothing about cars, I chose Lambo first because their exterior design, the unique shape of the car. Second is, to realize this dream I will have to do a lot more, thus it always motivates me to move forward and fight through difficulties. (I tried to search all the ten cars, 3/6/8 are the most expensive...Lambo does not fail even with blind pick, although price is not the only criterion, but it says a lot)
2. I like you point that man should do less if he can do anything.. That explains why God never interfere with the subcelestial affairs.
3. My thesis is not finished yet,, the critical mistake can still be amended.
Expecting your grand 4Horsemen.
Dear Ronin
Ferruccio Elio Arturo Lamborghini did tractors up to the D-Day.
One day, Ferruccio decided to pay a visit to Enzo, following clutch-related issues he had encountered on one of his models. Enzo, who was not exactly known for his poise and diplomatic abilities, simply sent Ferruccio for a walk.For good reason I recon: Ferruccio was just another peasant (with cash).
Enzo's behavior triggered Ferruccio's ardent desire to build his own sports car > ... > ... > Miura > ... > bankruptcy > various things > Ferdinand Karl Piëch (that man again) got Lambo (then he got Ducati and Porsche).
Other than that, here's a preview of the horsemen (idling):
All what a young engineer needs:
1.A Sensei. 2. Bushido. 3. A used Ducati 998. 4. A used HF Fanalone.
Later on he only needs:
1. Bushido. 2.Zen. 3.A new Panigale 1299. 4. An original Cobra 427.
BTW: General guideline(s):
1. Regardless of the nature of ANY project (Academic or real-life) there's an internal equilibrium (a zen, that is) that it's always apparent to the keen eye. 99% of what you see around you they lack any zen: that allows the 1% to shine.
2. Each thing that you do/design never dies inside you: Let's call it an "event". The sum of them formulate you as an Engineer. If some "events" are faulty (or worst: shallow) your kaleidoscopic sampling is disturbed proportionally to the sum of the bad "events".
3. "Events" MUST withstand Time: there's nothing worst than fading reasons for doing this or that.
4. "I want" means nothing (anyone wants this or that, so what?). "I did it because" means - maybe - something.
5. Cost (and modesty) should be always your FIRST concern: forget form exploitation(s), new frontier(s) and other similar nonsense > they just yield another pointless waste of resources and guide you gradually into an amoral state of the worst kind: Remember > 1 dollar can save the life of one kid in Africa per day > in this context it's rather hard to justify ... well ... pretty much anything.
6. If you can do anything imaginable this means that you should do LESS other wise you'll find yourself trapped into a rabbit hole that has many entries but not a single #^%^# exit.
Here's a 3DPDF that lists the components of the (highly) suggested system. It's very expensive but can cut the mustard with easy. Use saved views AND model tree.
And another (using a double tetra tensegrity thingy) that outlines what to expect from the 4 horsemen (that are 5): stuff (instance definitions) placed in properly defined coordinate systems > elementary my dear Watson. Meaning that NO geometry of any kind is made via GH.
BTW: Although your Thesis is excellent ... you did a critical mistake: you acted alone without a Sensei (or Sifu if you prefer). Only Westerners do that and that's rather their weakest point.
Progress in the 4 horsemen is very slow (Reason: Velentino blew his engine in the latest MotoGP > I'm in permanent despair > can't write a line of code (or two) > maybe Seppuku).
However I decided to change the part system (nuts and bits taken straight from some real-life "similar" project in your country - I'll mail you some photos some day).
New ball pivots are only used in the T cable system. The one related with the Jansen style roof tubes is replaced with a classic U-Joint in order to handle any strut extension angle.
This system is way more capable to deal with clash situations and is 3 times more expensive. Notice the ultra beefy thingy at the atrium lips (forces are considerable: "equivalent" (kinda) with the ones in pre stressed concrete slabs). This peripheral mount freaky combo uses ball pivot as well for obvious reasons
More IF Valentino wins the next race.
Dear LordofMotoLand,
Valentino Rossi wins the Catalunya MotoGP after winning a close duel with Marc Marquez.
Valentino Rossi ITA Movistar Yamaha MotoGP (YZR-M1) 44m 37.589s (5 June 2016).
I hope you mean this race.
Sorry for the late reply, first because I didn't get the notification about your message,
second is I met sth frustrating. In the past 30 days I did my research work again, with three variables modified in each variable study.. Luckily things are almost done and I feel a bit proud of my work now.
In May you already shown me the connection. I feel this is just what I want for the cable-strut roof system. Of course the connections in your latest posts have greater extent of adjustability. However, there is something still not clear to me. I want to ask how the struts are connected to the center part(welded or with thread), and why the diameter of struts are diminished since there are larger bending in the connection? If the connections are pivots, no bending is transferred which may results in very large displacement.
Dear LostSoulUnlessYouBuyADecentDucati
1. Serious matters first: Indeed Hero Valentino dwarfed that man (in an inferior bike AND given the fact that Honda got all the Software Yamaha gurus [traitors, what else?]. I do hope that in Assen (Note: race is in Saturday, not Sunday) Hero could deliver the goods as well.
2. Trivial matters follow:
2.1 The orange thingy is a 2 part ball pivot "base" meaning that the struts rotate (up to a point) via the ball that is attached at each end (some share the same ball, mind).
Repeat with me: I WOULD NEVER WELD ANYTHING in any current or future project. Additionally I'll start searching the proper Ducati ASAP (a baby Panigale what else?, avoid the lethal big one).
2.2. NO strut is capable to exist without the related cables: meaning no torque at all around. This is the only way to do things like these. In fact ... well ... the roof alignment grid (classic Jansen type of steel rect tubes) contributes to that as well ... meaning that not all the possible cable combos are present/required.
2.3 Due to ball pivot angle limitations the as above linkage is a classic U-Joint (the upper thingy that connects struts with the roofing alignment grid - PRIOR the planar glazing "layer").
2.4. Thus ... with this, this (and that) we can proudly claim that the wrong thingy MAY have a chance to exist without ... ironic comments.
Note: Use this attached, recycle the rest
Moral: Ducati Uber Alles
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