
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

need help with making a Gothic vault.

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No need for paying.

What is your problem exactly?


This is a free forum, or I'm sure you can find assistance desired.

Wow December 1st is tight deadline, maybe you should start posting what your project/problem is.

She sent me a private message.
She is creating a parametric Gothic Vault. And it seems that she has some difficulties with it. Did not send me the file thought.

There is a possibility that you would have newer version of grasshopper than me, so I wouldn't be able to open your files, even if you attached them.

Maybe this will help:

Sorry if that's not what you need.
Good luck!


Just a little additional play: rows manipulation:


thank you I kind of solve my problem this is the volt that I work on it


actually I transform my Volt but how can I transform the little arches that they go down little by little 

Very nice Harir.
You could probably solve this, by projecting your little arches onto the brep. Brep will be shell - surfaces created out of arches.

So use the "Project" component. "C" input of that component will be all of your little arches. "B" input will be shell-brep (those golden surfaces I posted in my reply). And "D" input will be "Unit Z vector".

It might be helpful if you would post other views as well.






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