
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have been searching for a few hours now, trying to think up an efficient method for getting Brep "doughnuts" (as shown in the first image).

Currently, I'm extruding one closed curve, then a second closed curve, capping both, and then using a boolean difference. This method takes a while to churn, whenever I recompute the Grasshopper solution. The metahopper analysis shows that 40% of my computation time is due to my two SDiff nodes. Another 40% is from the various extrude and cap nodes.

Anyone know of a "lighter" way to make these types of forms? Either with native Grasshopper components or with C#.. I am going to be working with a lot of them, doing facade design with punched windows.. 


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in the case of the kinds of geometries you're drawing here, it will be about 4-6x faster to first create a planar boundary surface with the outer rectangle and the inner rectangle and then extrude that, instead of creating two solids and booleaning them. 

Thanks, I'll give that a try

Its much much quicker! Ty






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