
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am trying to multiply the values in panel components (as indicated by arrow in image), but I can't seem to find a way to do so. Multiplication tool doesn't work because of the two different types of output. Can someone help please. 


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I don't understand why you are trying to use the text in the panel for multiply operation.

Try to use "Length"(Curve-->Analysis-->Length)

Or try this way.

Hi Kim,

That's because I want to multiply the numbers I'm getting from 'line' output and the 'evaluate' output. How would I represent the 'evaluate curve' in 'number' component?

Your "Evalute" component's output is a number. And if you use "Length" then, the output should also be a number.

So,what's the deal with multiplying numbers and numbers?

You are now struggling to multiply numbers with text or letters.

Please see screenshot above. Simple multiplication tool doesn't gives me runtime error.  

Hi. Fariad.

It was sad that you didn't understand it even though I have described it as an example so far.

Basically "Line" is not a number. It's a Geometry. So you can't multiply number and geometry together.

But as you can see in my screencap, If you connect line's "L" output to "Number" parameter or "Length", you can get it's length number. So, there's no problem with multiplication.

Plus, if you connect number data through "Panel", often you may not get the results you expect, because the contents of the panel are recognized as text.

Hi Kim,

Apologies for the ignorance,still new to this you see. 

The above is much clearer now. Appreciate your help. Thanks  






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