algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Hi Andrea
Enclosed you will find the 3dm and ghx file, any suggestion?
No files attached.
There was recent thread about 2D sorting that could easily be applied to this problem.
Thanks a lot for your reply..
Unfortunately I've some problem to upload the file, I'll try again. In the meanwhile I look for the suggested thread.
Method in the attached file.
find closest pts to the XY plane
then sort based on X and Y coordinates
create one big polyline that zigzags along
Cull the longest sections of polyline (thus grouping those pts with the same X)
Join Curves and get Control Pots for InterpCrv Component
Tanks a lot Danny, I'm starting to study your definition, I keep you update on next steps.
Tanks again
Dear Danny
From a quickly watch over of your definition "sounds strange" (for my skills) to create only one poly trough all points due the large number of point that I will have. Switch on the interpolated curve (befor the loft), I've found a little bug (always for my skills) there is strange curve that link "opposite points". At the end, by my point of view, the optimized workflow is to have the points row by row (I don't know if the bounding box could be used to solve my request) just to have an additional control. Just to control the final result I've checked the result with the loft (your solution) and the network surface (created using 2 time the definition first on level curve, second on the first poly).
Let me know wath do you think.
It's not a bug. Its the way that I've grouped the pts with the same x coordinates together.
create one big polyline that zigzags along
Cull the longest sections of polyline (thus grouping those pts with the same X)
Just ignore the polyline at that part of the definition and keep going until the join.
Hi Andrea: unfortunately this ghx is not compatible with the latest versions of grasshopper. do you have an updated version of the dtw.ghx?
Worked in the 32 bit version of rhino v5 not in the 64 for some reason. of course the red control point box still happens.
dtm 2d sorting operates as advertised.
If you are able to close the terrain lines, possibly with some extra lines on the boundary, then you could use the planarSrf component to create those srfs at each level.
But otherwise, yes, if you created a bounding box for each terrain line you would get a flat box that you could split with each curve. The tricky bit is which trimmed srfs do you discard.
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