
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have Multiple sections and multiple revolution axis

How can I make each section spin around his own axis?


ciao ciao


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Thank you Hyungsoo 

I think this could do. I'll work on it :)

I'm not sure of your goal here(?) but suspect there are several better, way simpler ways to achieve it...  Like creating just one surface of revolution and then orienting 26 copies of it around a circle.

The 'Move' component at the end of your code is generating 676 (26 X 26) copies of the curve you want to rotate - not good!  You can avoid that by flattening the 'Len' output and the 'Move G' input:

But those surfaces are not "solid" (Closed Breps) - what do you want there?

SIMPLIFY!  Make just one of these surfaces of revolution at the center of your big circle, then move 26 copies of it radially.

Thanks Joseph

I can't do that because this is the only case where the circles are all the same. I will also need to have different radiuses so i need to make them "individually"

Thanks for your help

Not to put too fine a point on it but you can still create all the variations at one location, then move them to their final locations, rotating each one incrementally if necessary.  'Orient' can be handy for that.  What else changes besides their radius?

So many ways...  Have fun and good luck.






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