
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am really struggling with this:

With this script I am able to deform a surface with a single curve, but the crv CP component allows only one input. What should I do to add more attractors?

I have already tried to store more than one curve in the curve component (and grafting it), but SrfGrid returns a number of surfaces equal to the number of the attractor curves added.

I also tried to duplicate the algorithm and merge the results before using SrfGrid: it works, but the final surface is a bit strange, clearly with some errors in it.

Can you help me with that?

Thank you very much! :)

Views: 4576


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Something like this..??

Definition.. just add two factors..

for multiple curves..


Thanks Jissi! it is awesome! Can I ask you one more thing? What does the Flip matrix component do in this situation? Because i have already seen it in other contexts and I would never have thought of using it here.

FlipMatrix takes an input of X Branches with n items and returns n Branches with X items. My use of "branches" might be incorrect terminology but I hope you understand.

In these situations it is useful to use the Data Viewer tool (View Menu >> Data Viewer) to see what is happening with the data in your model.

You have about 10,000 data for each curve.. (10,000 x n)

And you need 10,000 data accumulated for each point..

So I used Flip Matrix (n branches with 10,000 data each > 10,000 branches with n data each)..






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