
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I'm a tad bit stuck at the moment. I am trying to group every hexagon withing each Magenta boundary individually. There is 729 magenta boundaries each one needs to contain a group of the 196 hexagons that are withing each boundary. So essentially, I need to find a way to make 729 groups. I'm still getting to know GH so any help would be greatly appreciated! I've attached a sample file!

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You can use point in curve. 



So when I reselect the the boundaries and the hexagons its just recreating the hexagons. Isnt the Cull suppose to group the hexagons in the boundary?

Cull does not group it removes, It is saying for each boundary remove the hex that are not in it. 

They are grouped in tree branches - look at the end param viewer, each branch [in this case your boundaries] holds the 196 hexagons in it. This is how Gh works. YOu would then do whatever operations you need to these groups via list matching - for instance if you wanted to scale each group with a different factor number you would give a grafted list of numbers equal to the number of hex branches. (you can learn how Gh uses data structures here:

If you mean to actually make them what rhino calls a "group" (like the group command in rhino) just plug the cull into a group component and it will group each branch and when you bake to rhino it will be a group.







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