
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone. I managed to figure out how to draw the multiple boxes within a box that I was previously asking about. Now onto the next step in the project.

I'm trying to move (and duplicate) this group of boxes (see photo). I applied a similar logic that was used in the parametric tower video tutorial but I seem to have encountered a problem because I am trying to move a group of boxes, and not just one piece of geometry. Or so I think?

Is there some type of 'group' component? Or should I just be going about a different way than I currently am?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks again.


Views: 1953

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Right click on the move component and select cross reference or place a graft component in between the vector and the move component.
Thank you Vincente, the cross reference worked great.

Now I am trying to figure out how to control the rectangle size within the given groups. For example if I have 5 groups of boxes, I want them all to have the same amount of boxes, but I want to control the size of them.

I have my number slider set up for the x/y of the box sizes but (as I figured) it controls the whole lot of however many boxes I have moved/duplicated on the screen.

I was hoping to use a range of numbers (1.7, 1.5, 1.3, 1.1) for the x/y sizes but cant seem to get GH to apply that range to the individual groups. Does this make any sense?

My apologies for asking so many questions, I'm just finding this to be the best way of learning. I happen to be having a lot of fun too!

Is there any way to split up data so that it can be independently controlled after a move component?

ie: For simplicities sake lets say I draw a box, and apply a move component to move it 5 times.

I then want to be able to edit those moved boxes individually for characteristics like size and corner radius.

Anyone have any tutorials to recommend or even just the name of a component to try and research and gain an understanding of. Seems like a fundamental skill that I will be using very often.

Thanks again everyone,
Hi Nathan,

I think you're on the right track when you talk about using a range of numbers.
This first example will not work sinze all boxes are in the same path.

But by using the Graft component to put boxes and numbers on separate paths it is possible to scale every box individually.

Thanks so much Lars, I'm going to give this a try now.

I think it's time I turn on the draw icons setting too so I start to recognize them.

Ah yes, the graft tree is just the thing I've been looking for.

Thanks so much.







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