
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Moving only one grid in the direction of the surface normal grid

Dear colleagues!

Can you please tell when you move the grid in the direction of the normals of each face, I will copy the grid in the number of faces !?

Is it possible to somehow move the grid in the direction of the normals and get only one grid at a certain distance from the first !?

Views: 735


Replies to This Discussion

Well... anything is possible : Let's get rid of all components and do the job properly: here's a List of "extracted" tri-Breps willing to play ball:

What are your exact criteria? what means distance from first? what first? (mesh Face?), distance in relation to what? (mesh Face center? distance from Mars? distance from Zorg?), what means grid? (the mesh itself?)

PS: I've moved them all (for fun).


Something is going wrong here: the answering panel is yellow and occasionally no attachment is possible


The trad update: Now it's ready to accept whatever "cull criteria" desired ... but exploit the mesh face indices (even in the U/V option) - that correspond 1:1 to the face centers.

They are a bit "chaotic" I reckon, meaning that the First ... may NOT be the "obvious" First (but we can bring them in some "U/V type of order" quite easily - meaning that we can sample the tri-Breps in a proper U/V style DataTree)







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