
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm a beginner in GH and I'm trying to move several planar surfaces (simulating as they were windows) of different buildings in the Z axis.

I create a series for each building with the height (or the value that I want to move these windows in the Z axis).

However, the move options doesn't place the planar surfaces in the right place... I already graft it but it didn't work...

Can anyone one help me with this?

Enclosed is the file, with the points where I want to place these planar surfaces.

Thanks again for any help!

Views: 618


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Is it what you are after?


I think that she wants the full thingy > buildings et all

Note: Parser doesn't provide facade data ... thus I've used a "global" policy


Hi Peter,

thank again for this other solution, it will help me to put also windows in the other facades!

It was really great your suggestion!


Well ... in order to do that you must:

(1) Get facade data from that parser.

(2) Fully master the black art related with these ominous and mysterious things (DataTrees). If you can't do that first > pain + tears + frustration. 

lol, true... 

I already tasted the 'frustration' part regarding the DataTrees.. Hopefully I'll get over it after the pain and the tears during the black art master :)

Thanks again for your help!

As I said MANY times there's 2 ways to do stuff with GH:

(a) the wrong one (start by attempting to create some sort of geometry/something/whatever and hope that things would roll),

(b) watch for Nth time Karate Kid N1.

Hi, that was exactly what I was looking for, thanks a lot!

Now I need to understand what you did (this thing of the data tree still is a bit confusing to me).

Again, thanks for your help! 






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