
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm a beginner at grasshopper and I have a question that is probably very basic. I have a couple of lines with differing numbers of control points and I want to move the end points of this line (but have the other control points remain where they are right now). I have the vector of the movement I want to make the points and have extracted the end points, but when I move it, only the points move and the curve remains the same. 

Its part of a much bigger script, but I really cant figure this one out. 

Thanks so much!!

Views: 2375


Replies to This Discussion

A rhino file with the original curves might have helped...

I think this is, what you are after.

Can you attach the .3dm file too?

It's suppose to be that way - you are moving only points.
If you would like to "include" the newly moved points into your curves, as it's ending points - you need to use the "interpolate" component.

Thanks for respondign so quickly! Sorry for not adding the curves, here they are. I'm trying to use the interpolate curve command but I as of yet I cant seem to get it to work. I hope someone might know how to do it properly. 

Thanks in advance! 






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