
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Over the years I've posted many screenshots answering questions here. Besides most of my gallery images, which mostly disappeared two days ago, then reappeared last night, now most of those are gone and also gone are basically all of my older inline images, answering questions and solving student problems. That's a great resource, now meaningless without the images.

There are extensive links and followups for nearly every image, but no way to reupload each image, assuming I can find them, without losing the links and followups, since I can't update the source image, only delete the entire entry.

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Being a miserable PhD troll, you'll be pleased to hear that I tend to document things. I know that I promised to stay out of your hair when we talked last, but seeing as how you're so eager to salvage your contributions to the forum/mankind (again, one is not allowed to use "this Network as a generic file hosting service"), I saved these for you (warning: graphic imagery). Hope this doesn't count as a violation of the Terms of Service, technically being quotes, off-forum and all.

Nik, I dont think this is intentional, its was just an unexpected outcome of your ban. Why images are still dissapearing instead of all at once I cant understamd, but anyhow, as David stated this has to do with Ning servers, not Mcneel. I dont think Anders intention was to destroy as he could not know that banning you would cause your images to dissapear. Just my thoughts.

So removing ones account also removes all of his replies? Meaning, all of Nik's replies in discussions are now gone? That's pretty messed up...

Yep. Ning administrative tools are severely lacking, another reason I'd like to switch to discourse.






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