
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm trying to figure out a way to morph a box into a cylinder over a interval with various step parameters to understand the logic and apply it to morphing more complex shapes. So then I can apply that system to a surface to study the intervals that are created between the two objects. Can anyone point me in the right direction or suggest a way about accomplishing this.

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Well there has to be a simple way to do this, take after effects if I open and close scissors on a timeline it will fill in the intervals necessary to complete the transition, there has to be something out there that can do that, no?

/ is there a way to link after effects frames to grasshopper? that would solve the issue and allow me to create an animation wheel as I wish, by that I mean things such as this: http://instagram/com/drewtetz

I'm in the same issue, I need to morph a 2D geometry. This could be done with a great plugin called= Nudibranch. 

But Im searching for another method, till now I can morph geometries but I don't have so much control in the shape. All the work i've done is with control points and maths(calculating everything), but must be something more "clean"... or easy ... or logical, so the final result is to unite everything in one slider.

I investigated knot vectors, it seemed would be helpful, they're complex.

P.D: I'm newbie







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