
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

I am trying to morph a geometry (yellow curves) comprised in a rectangular surface onto a new surface which has non-linear edges.
I have tried in many different ways but I am not able to do it correctly. 
Can someone please give me some help/hint?
I need that the new geometry fits inside the non-orthogonal one adapting to it.

Thank you very much 

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Hi Peter,

thanky you very much for yout help but what i am trying to achieve is something a little bit different: is pretty similar to what you did but the destination brep (the one you called "curvy") has to be planar with non-orthogonal edges.

I cannot still manage to do it.
In the attached .gh I have better explained the situation.

Have you got some more idea?


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This is so helpful thank you Peter.
Anyway I think that grasshopper has difficulties in adapting the curves to a non-straigh-edged surface because it reads the surface as a trimmed one and automatically adapts the curves to the untrimmed surface.
Do you think it works like this?

Added some examples more to shed light on that (a bit confusing) matter: what is a trimmed thingy and what is not.

That said it's easy to handle stuff on trimmed surfaces (but I use C# code for that, if by accident you are familiar with the language ... notify).

BTW: nothing is internalized (GH can't memorize a thing or two in most of cases). Load Rhino file first.

best, Peter


And the Rhino file


Simply perfect!

I still get amazed by the potentialities of scripting and coding.
I am not able to code with C# or phyton even if I have same basic knowledges, I think I'll implement them.

Thank you Peter, I hope this is helpful also for other people since it seems that there is nothing similar on the discussions.

Best, Lorenzo






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