
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi all.

i'm trying to model a set of rectangles in a boundry(a.b) that act like the attached picture. anyone can help?

thanks in advance

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Something like this?


thank you so much.. it is exactly the thing that i want :)

but the problem is with "h" :( it's a parameter that define the location of rectangles along Y axis, by the changing "h" the rectangles shoud move upward and downward, like the picture.

thanks alot :)

With a little more adjustmemt,  It will be finished.


another question Hyungsoo :)

the needed geometry are the rectangles (they act as windows) not the remained area (wall). how can i do that? i searched in forum, i got some solutions but they didn't  work, i guess they were not suitable for this problem.


You can extract windows, of course...


you are awesome! :) thanks alot Hyungsoo.

Hi Hyungsoo

once again i disturb you :( i want to know is it possible to control the blue areas (windows) by X,Y parameters directly (not reverse).. i mean that in the .gh file you modeled by increasing x or y the size of windows decreases (something like this that x,y be a control parameter for window not the remained lengh between window and divided space).

thanks in advance for your attention.

like this?


It's that.. thanks alot, you are my saviour :)

another question, once i want set this area for a rectangle in another coordiante it doesn't match correctly, even i set a plane for rectangle. sorry for bothering you, since i'm newbie in grasshopper and my main field is energy, i can't spend time for fully learning grasshopper :(


There is no need to say that you are a newbie or your main field or you are going to learn more GH or whatever..

It's your problem and not with me. Hope it is of some help.







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