
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi to all.

I'm new to GH, and I have some experience in Rhino. And I'm a violin maker. :-)

I would like to animate mode shape in Rhino, using GH.

Here you have some examples of mode shape animation I actually can perform using a dedicated software:

in 3D:

in 2D:

The output of Modal Analysis (at a given frequency) is a list of point (x,y,z), each of them has the three coordinates and the maximum displacement in the direction normal to the surface (that's not flat)

Point number    x    y    zmax
1    24,007565    337,876028    -0,654557
2    -28,0404705    337,947773    0,776015
3    57,141457    316,757768    -0,841391
4    18,667466    314,814543    -0,235288

My idea is:

-import stl surfaces of the object (violin)

-import Modal Analysis data

-deform stl (or Nurbs) surfaces using something like a customized CageEdit

-animate this deformation from zero to maximum displacement

-give a color to deformation (or first-second derivative of the interpoled deformation curves)

My wish is to have closed surfaces at any steps, and to create "natural" deformation shapes.

I just tried to import MA data. I was trying to create an array of circles with given x,y,z and radius, I could not figure how to separate information of position and radius when importing the file:

file content:

0,1,0; 5;
2,1,3; 2;
5,2,6; 4;

thanks for yout attention.

Looking forward to hear you soon!


Views: 607


Replies to This Discussion

Ciao Francesco

could you post the MA file? (as an attachement). Just rename it as .txt if the extension is now allowed. Then I can have a look if importing it is feasible.

Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates

Many thanks Giulio.

Here you have a sample dataset both in txt and in csv format.



Hi again Francesco

this definition shows how to parse the .txt file. The main difference is simply the cell separator, though.

If you need a simple list in the end, just convert the tree by using Flatten.

I hope this helps,

Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates


Thanks Giulio.

I realized my description was not clear.

Actual MA data consists in:

{point index; x coord; y coord; z maximum displacement}

still I miss the z coord: when I perform MA I still work with 2D dataset.

I loaded your example and tweak it in order to obtain 2D points.

Now I need to assign to each point its own parameter "z maximum diplacement".

Well, sound already exciting!

Thanks a lot



I am not sure what "z maximum displacement" means, but it seems you are on the right track. :)






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